Reasons why you should teach your child Greek


Learning a second or even a third language is beneficial to children even if they don’t speak it fluently. It not only helps the development of their brain, but also it will help with practical things in life, like accepting change. And it’s ok if you don’t speak the language well or at all, even.

Let’s take Greek for example. You may or may not speak it well enough to hold a conversation. But how many words in English do you recognize and understand what they mean just because you know the basics of Greek? Over 60% of English words have Greek roots!

Now let’s take a second example. Imagine how proud your child will feel when in school they learn that ‘arachnophobia’ means the fear of spiders and they recognize that it comes from the Greek words ‘αράχνη’ and ‘φοβία’.

The benefits of starting to learn Greek from a young age are so many, but here are a few by a Lead with Languages blog post.

Source: Lead with Languages- Lead with Greek

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