Writing a Letter to Santa using Greek words


Without a doubt, Christmas is mostly about children; it revolves around the joy they experience and the joy they bring us. They love the anticipation that builds up all the way up to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, with friends and family getting together and of course….all the presents they get!


So here’s a fun activity for kids up to the age of 8-9 waiting for Santa to bring them presents this year: The idea is to help your child write a short, simple letter to Santa containing some Greek words “because Santa would be impressed!”

Here’s a brainstorming activity to help your son with some Greek words

As children this age are quite young, the objective is to get them to use any Greek words they can think of for them to grasp how learning some Greek is related to something very relevant and important to them.

Here’s a brainstorming activity to help your daughter with some Greek words


The first step is to describe what kind of toy he or she wishes to get. What shape is it? What color? What does it do? Why does your child like it? Ask your child to write down the words and then ask him or her which of these words he or she knows how to say in Greek.

Remember, it’s not a test, for this activity learning Greek should be a fun game! Your child might remember half the word, or might be able to spell it in Latin characters, or even confuse it with another word.

If your child can’t remember the word or if he or she hasn’t learned the word yet, this is the perfect opportunity to go to Ellinopoula’s Activities’ page to find the correct Greek letters and words to describe the toy(s) your child wants for Christmas.


Your child can use very basic words to describe his or her desired gifts including shapes, colors, or more advanced words depending on your child’s level.

The objective is to engage your child in the process of trying to retrieve or learn the word to achieve an objective. This will serve as an example to unlock his or her future Greek language learning potential.

The ‘beauty’ of this activity is that your child will grasp the idea that learning Greek isn’t just for learning the language for its own sake, rather it’s for connecting with other Greek speakers (because after all “Santa can speak Greek because he’s from Caesarea ” link to the post about Saint Basil - short story) and getting something of value (presents) he or she enjoys.

You might be surprised in future years when your child remembers a word they learned this Christmas!

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