28th of October - OXI day


The 28th of October 1940 marks the date of one of the greatest epics in modern Greek history - Greece’s refusal to surrender to the Axis powers. Greece inspired the world when it crushed Nazi Germany’s main ally, Italy, after rejecting Italy’s ultimatum to surrender.

Greece dealt the seemingly invincible Axis a humiliating defeat. It shocked the world and resulted in Germany sending troops to occupy Greece. The Greek forces victory played a decisive role in the outcome of WWII. Hitler himself claimed Germany failed to invade the Soviet Union in time because Greece defeated Italy. We created a video of the epic song “Η Ελλάδα ποτέ δε πεθαίνει” as a small tribute to the Greeks who gave their lives for our freedom.

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Greeks have inspired the world with their acts of heroism from the Persian wars in antiquity until the War of Independence and Balkan Wars. Fortitude, patriotism, and the struggle for freedom against all odds are integral values of Hellenism. When Prime Minister of Greece, Ioannis Metaxas, rejected Italy’s ultimatum to surrender, he reminded the world that Greece does not surrender in the face of any threat.

Every 28th of October, Greeks around the world pass this message down to the next generations to honor the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. Their sacrifice guides us to be brave and strong in preserving Hellenism.

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